Funan Microfinance | Kampot Cambodia

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The Funan Microfinance Institution is a non-profit organization that provides microloans and financial services to low-income individuals in the Kampot province of Cambodia. The institution was established in 2013 with the goal of reducing poverty and promoting economic development through access to affordable credit and financial education.
Funan Microfinance offers a range of financial products, including group loans, individual loans, savings accounts and insurance services. These products are designed to help clients invest in their businesses, improve their homes and provide better educational opportunities for their children. The institution also provides financial education training to its clients to help them manage their finances effectively and make informed decisions about their money.
Funan Microfinance operates with a strong commitment to social impact and sustainability. The organization works closely with local communities to understand their needs and develop tailored solutions that meet those needs. By providing access to affordable credit, Funan Microfinance empowers individuals to take control of their financial future and break the cycle of poverty in Kampot province.

Funan Microfinance